The Metaphysical Uses of Crystals

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Crystal Properties and Meanings

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Deep Blue Tourmaline properties

Blue Tourmaline Properties: The Meaning and Healing Powers of the Indicolite

Blue Tourmaline, also known as Indicolite, is a crystal that enhances communication, intuition, and spiritual insight. It stimulates the throat and third eye chakras, promoting clear expression and psychic abilities. Blue Tourmaline brings a sense of calmness, serenity, and aids in spiritual growth.

Sky-blue Topaz properties

Blue Topaz Properties: The Meaning and Healing Powers of the Writer’s Stone

Blue Topaz is a crystal of clarity, communication, and inner wisdom. It enhances one’s ability to express thoughts and feelings, and stimulates the throat chakra. Blue Topaz promotes emotional balance, aids in spiritual growth, and attracts truth and understanding. This crystal brings a sense of calmness, assists in clear decision-making, and fosters a deeper connection with one’s inner self.

Striated Blue Tiger Eye properties

Blue Tiger Eye Properties: The Meaning and Healing Powers of Hawk’s Eye

Blue Tiger Eye, also known as Hawk’s Eye, is a crystal that enhances intuition, clarity, and insight. It stimulates the third eye and throat chakras, promoting clear communication and spiritual growth. Blue Tiger Eye brings a sense of protection, serenity, and aids in manifestation.

Protective Black Tourmaline properties

Black Tourmaline Properties: The Meaning and Healing Powers of the Protector Stone

Black Tourmaline is a powerful protective crystal that repels negativity and shields against electromagnetic radiation. It enhances grounding, purification, and promotes emotional healing. Black Tourmaline brings a sense of protection, stability, and aids in releasing negative energy.