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Palam Root Fossil, also known as Petrified Palm Root, is a powerful grounding crystal that resonates with the earth element. It promotes stability, strength, and patience. Palam Root Fossil also aids in releasing negative energies and emotions, allowing for personal growth and transformation.
Magnetic Hematite is a magnetic form of hematite that has grounding and protective properties. It promotes strength, courage, and stability. Magnetic Hematite is also believed to assist in releasing negative energy and improving circulation.
Green Prehnite is a crystal of unconditional love, healing, and protection. It enhances intuition, connection to higher guidance, and spiritual growth. Green Prehnite also promotes emotional healing, forgiveness, and inner peace.
Green Mica is a stone of protection, abundance, and manifestation. It enhances intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. Green Mica also promotes emotional healing, self-confidence, and personal growth.
Fossil Coral is an ancient and powerful crystal formed from the preserved remains of prehistoric coral. It carries grounding and earthy energies, promoting stability, resilience, and strength. Fossil Coral is also believed to enhance past-life recall and spiritual understanding.
Emerald Fuchsite is a powerful combination of emerald and fuchsite, offering both heart-opening and healing energies. It promotes emotional balance, compassion, and abundance. Emerald Fuchsite also enhances spiritual growth, intuition, and connection to nature.
Fossil Coral is an ancient and powerful crystal formed from the preserved remains of prehistoric coral. It carries grounding and earthy energies, promoting stability, resilience, and strength. Fossil Coral is also believed to enhance past-life recall and spiritual understanding.
Zebra Jasper is a crystal that enhances grounding, balance, and protection. It stimulates the root chakra, promoting stability, strength, and emotional healing. Zebra Jasper brings a sense of optimism, nurtures relationships, and aids in overcoming challenges.
Zebra Amber is a powerful crystal that combines the energies of Amber and Jet. It enhances protection, grounding, and supports emotional healing. Zebra Amber stimulates the root chakra, promoting stability, balance, and a sense of security.
Yellow Jade is a crystal of abundance, joy, and vitality. It enhances self-confidence, self-esteem, and personal power. Yellow Jade is also associated with luck, prosperity, and success in business ventures.
Yellow Calcite is a radiant and uplifting crystal that infuses one’s aura with positivity and joy. It stimulates the intellect, boosts self-confidence, and encourages a strong sense of self-worth. Yellow Calcite also promotes clarity, enhances meditation, and connects one to the energy of the sun, filling life with vitality and purpose.
White Agate is a crystal associated with purity, protection, and emotional healing. It enhances clarity of thought, balance, and promotes spiritual growth. White Agate brings a sense of calmness, optimism, and aids in releasing negative energy.
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