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Showing 1–12 of 46 results

  • Ancestral Healing by Ruland & Shantidevi


    Knowing your ancestral lineage is not only a matter of curiosity, your life path will unfold with much more ease if you are aware and in harmony with your origins. Exploring the heritage of your bloodline as well as the energy of your spiritual family, which we are often less aware of, opens you up…

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  • Aromatherapy Bible by Gill Farrer-Halls


    Inside each bottle of essential oil lies the key to beauty, health, and wellbeing-and this comprehensive illustrated reference contains all the information needed to work aromatherapy’s magic. It includes complete instructions for skin and body treatments; recipes for creams and lotions; remedies to overcome negative emotions; advice on psychic cleansing; and techniques to enhance meditation…

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  • Book of Chakra Healing by Liz Simpson


    Restore your optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual self with chakra healing, an ancient Indian system that focuses on energies originating in seven centers of the body. Dip into this vital, easy-to-use, and lushly illustrated guide to learn about the archetypes associated with each chakra, find a feast of techniques and visualizations, and get information on…

  • Book of Ho’oponopono by Bodin, Lamboy & Graciet


    Based on an ancestral Hawaiian shamanic ritual, the healing practice of Ho’oponopono teaches you to cleanse your consciousness of negative memories, unconscious fears, and dysfunctional programming and grant yourself forgiveness, peace, and love. The process is deceptively simple–first you must recognize your own responsibility for creating the events in your life, then you are ready…

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  • Book of Sacred Baths by Paulette Kouffman Sherman


    Cultures around the world have long used bathing and bathhouses to connect with Spirit and to promote personal wellness and cultural milestones. The Book of Sacred Baths shows how to use this wonderfully relaxing practice to create transformation in your love life, career, health, and spirit. Discover everything you need to know about the history…

  • Change your Energy by Krista Mitchell


    Krista Mitchell, known as The Rock Whisperer for her fresh take on healing with crystals, is one of the worlds best-known crystal therapists and a counsel to leading figures in the arts, television, film, fashion, and more. Her practical, fun guide provides the basics of working with crystals, including guidelines for creating your own collection…

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  • Complete Book of Baths by Robert Laremy


    Complete Book of Baths, By Robert Laremy Offering an endless list of spells from different cultures, this book provides you with many ritual baths for love, money, health, happiness, spiritual growth, psychic defense, fighting bad habits, and much more.

  • Complete Book of Traditional Reiki by Amy Rowland


    The Complete Book of Traditional Reiki by Amy Rowland aids the reader in discovering practical methods for personal and planetary healing, functioning as a teaching manual, reference for Reiki students, and compelling reading for the curious.

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  • Crystal Power by Kac Young


    Heal more deeply and restore your spirit with this innovative guide to enhancing your crystal practice. Featuring a brand-new approach to wellness, Crystal Power shows you how to pair the twelve best healing crystals with a variety of spiritual tools and techniques. Every stone receives a thorough breakdown of its purposes, along with practical tips…

  • Crystal Protection from 5G by Barbara Newerla


    From appliances, televisions, and computers to Wi-Fi and 4G and 5G cellular networks, in our modern world we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields. As the Digital Age rushes forward, we need to be aware of the increased exposure we are enduring every day and the sneaky consequences this exposure can cause to us and all…

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  • Crystal Reiki by Krista Mitchell


    Two popular practices–crystal and energy healing–in one great, expert handbook! Krista Mitchell (Change Your Energy) is a master at crystal healing, and with Crystal Reiki, she has created a handbook for practitioners both amateur and professional. This hot new technique combines crystal layouts with energy healing to treat a variety of ailments. Fully illustrated and…

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  • Earth Energy Meditations by Susan Shumsky


    The energy center known in Sanskrit as muladhara is called the root chakra. It is located in a layer of our subtle body called pranamaya kosha, at the base of our spine in the tailbone area. The root chakra is our connection to the earth and to humanity at large. When this chakra is closed,…