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Showing 1–12 of 26 results

  • 7 Keys to Power by Lewis Claremont


    7 Keys to power is a revised version of Lewis Claremont’s work. He will introduce you to the 7 keys to power. From number one to number seven this book will reveal power, magic, dream powers, as well as secret revelations. A 6″ x 9″ Paperback book with 66 pages.

  • 777 & Other Qabalistic Writings by Aleister Crowley


    777 Other Qabalistic Writings by Aleister Crowley edited and introduced by Dr. Israel Regardie, find within the three texts of Gematria, Sepher Sephiroth, and 777.

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  • Book of Abramelin (hc) by Abraham Von Worms


    The Book of Abramelin is the first modern translation of this magical work since Mathersย’s original translation over 100 years ago. Not only is the language updated, but Georg Dehn, the compiler and editor, has sourced his work from all extant manuscripts, while Mathers used just one. The result is a stunning new translation that…

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  • Book Of Black Magic by A.E. Waite


    From the famed A.E. Waite, this rich book of occult knowledge contains a wealth of magical rituals and the historical information about ceremonial magic.

  • Book Of Lies by Aleister Crowley


    The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley is a witty, instructive, and admirable collection of paradoxes; however, it is not a philosophical or mystical treatise. It is wiser for readers to make their own interpretation.

  • Book of Oberon (Hardcover) by Harms, Clark & Peterson


    A fascinating addition to the magical literature of the Elizabethan era, this lavishly illustrated grimoire is a must-have for magic practitioners, collectors, and historians. The Book of Oberon is the meticulous transcription and translation of a sixteenth-century manuscript acquired by the esteemed Folger Shakespeare Library. Unlike the more theoretical magic books of the era, this…

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  • Book of Spirit Communications by Raymond Buckland


    Buckland’s Book of Spirit Communications is for anyone who wishes to communicate with spirits, as well as for the less adventurous who simply want to satisfy their curiosity about the subject.

  • Book of Thoth (v3 #5) by Aleister Crowley


    About one of the most popular Tarot decks worldwide, this book by Aleister Crowley explains his deck in his own words how to interpret the numerological, Qabalistic and astrological symbolism mingled with his Tarot.

  • Book on Palo by Baba Raul Canizares


    Book on Palo by Baba Raul Canizares: Ten years in the making, The Book on Palo will be an invaluable addition to your library of precious books, helping to explain and instruct in Palo, a Cuban tradition similar to Santeria. This is one of the few books ever written in English on this tradition.

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  • Conspiracy Book (hc) by John Michael Greer


    Scholar of the occult and secret histories, John Michael Greer shines a light on 100 mysterious conspiracies and hidden societies throughout history, from Ancient Greece to the modern era. The Freemasons. The Satanic Hell-Fire Club. The Illuminati. This fascinating book delves into 100 mysterious conspiracies across time, ranging from secret societies that planned revolutions to…

  • Divination Conjure Style by Starr Casas


    In Divination Conjure Style Starr Casas shares the secrets of conjure-style divination that she learned at home and that, until very recently, were family secrets that were only transmitted orally. Traditional conjure is the domain of the poor and disenfranchised, living in regions that were (and remain) unfriendly to esotericism and the occult. Thus, conjure…

  • Encyclopedia of Ailments & Diseases by Jacques Martel


    What if your body used a secret language to talk to you? What if an ailment or illness was your bodyย’s way to shout for help, to make you understand that you need to change your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behaviors? Your body wants you to become aware of the stress that you carry, conscious…

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