Showing 697–708 of 767 results

  • Ultimate Guide to Energy Healing by Kat Flowler


    The techniques offered in this book are a fusion of many methods thus enabling practitioners to get the best from each method of energy healing and incorporate the practice into everyday life and adjunctive practices such as meditation or yoga. The Ultimate Guide to series offers comprehensive beginner’s guides to discovering a range of mind,…

  • Ultimate Guide to Shamanism by Rebecca Keating


    A timeless spiritual practice today, shamanic practice spans civilizations, continents, and countries. Indeed, it can be traced as far back as humankind itself. It has existed for as long as we have existed. Today’s shamanic practitioner is a mystic, a healer, and a keeper of ancient wisdom. They navigate and balance the seen and unseen…

  • Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot by Fiebig & Burger


    Discover everything you ever wanted to know about the world’s most popular tarot deck. The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot details the ten most important symbols on each and every card in the deck complete with hundreds of illustrations for easy use. In addition to an explanation of the symbols, each card is…

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  • Uncrossing by Katrina Rasbold


    Anyone can be the target of a psychic attack, whether it’s an intentional hex or an incidental crossing. This book shares effective techniques and practices for recovering from psychic attacks and protecting yourself in the future. Katrina Rasbold shares how to identify the different types of attacks by their symptoms and provides tips for managing…

  • Understanding Auras (hc) by Cassie Uhl


    Auras are constantly changing. Everything can affect your aura: your mood, your health, the food you eat, your environment, and the energy of other people. With The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Auras, you’ll learn how to intuit your auric field and what steps you can take to keep your aura radiant, healthy, and protected….

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  • Understanding Wheel of the Year (hc) by Cassie Uhl


    The wheel of the year is made up of eight Sabbats or festivals that occur on or around the same day each year. The eight Sabbats happen during four solar events the Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, and Fall Equinox and the midpoints between them, which focus on seasonal changes and farming. The Zenned…

  • Unhexing and Jinx Removing by Donna Rose


    Cast out negativity, evil thoughts, evil intentions, evil spirits and other such negative attention with the spells and rituals provided within Donna Rose’s Unhexing and Jinx Removing.

  • Unicorn leather blank book w/ latch


    Hand tooled blank leather journal with an embossed Unicorn on both of the leather covers. Border embossing may vary. Sizes vary slightly. Leather, handmade paper. 280 pages, latch closure. 5ย” x 7ย”, (made from goat leather).

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  • Utterly Wicked, Hexes, Curses by Dorothy Morrison


    Hexes, curses, and other unsavory notionsย—most magical practitioners wonย’t even discuss them. Why? Because theyย’d much rather find a positive solution that benefits all concerned. And thereย’s nothing wrong with that. Occasionally, though, our problems are such that nothing in the positive solution arena will handle them. Itย’s time to make a decision to stand…

  • Veritable Key of Solomon (hc) by Skinner & Rankine


    “The Key of Solomon” is the most famous and infamous of the Grimoires ever produced. Yet amazingly only one version of it has ever been published, by S L MacGregor Mathers, over 100 years ago. What Mathers may not have known is that there were much more detailed and complete versions of this grimoire available…

  • Placeholder

    Vibrational Nutrition by Candice Covington


    In this comprehensive guide to vibrational nutrition, Candice Covington explores the vibrational signatures of the foods we eat and how they help form the energetic structures that influence our behaviors and spirit. She explains how, by choosing foods that resonate with your natural vibrational patterns, you can use your diet to fine-tune your energetic body,…

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  • Vibrational Sound Healing by Erica Longdon


    All sound and vibration affect us. From the moment of birth, even in the womb, every word, thought, or sound we encounter is important and powerful, nourishing or toxic. When we understand the powerful effects of sound and vibration, we can consciously apply them for our health and well-being. In this practical and accessible guide,…

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