Explore the world of Celtic Magic by D J Conway, a mystical tradition firmly rooted in history as well as in present day, with this book. Within you will find methods of spellwork, ritual, meditation, and divination all derived from Celtic roots.
Revealing to you the secrets of Hoodoo magick, Charms, Spells and Formulas by Ray Malbrough helps you learn how to use the simple materials of nature to bring positive benefits to your life.
In this gorgeous book, author of Light Magic for Dark Times and The Magical Writing Grimoire, Lisa Marie Basile, shows how urban witches can maintain a practical, potent, and poetic practice when nature, time, space, and resources are scarce. City Witchery invites you to step into your own power through poetic writing prompts, reflections, and…
Ritualists, occultists, and collectors will love this complete, four-color edition of the Mysteries of Magic (also known as The Clavis) by Ebenezer Sibley and Rabbi Solomon. The Clavis was created during the high point of calligraphic Victorian grimoires, and it became one of the most important grimoires in circulation during the 19th century. This attractive…
This beautiful collection is more than a coloring book . . . it’s also a spellbook of powerful magick. Inside, you’ll find colorable picture spells for love, confidence, inspiration, luck, strength, and more. Each spell is thoughtfully composed with powerful symbols that help you focus while spellcasting. These lovely and powerful images make magick fun!
Join author A.C. Fisher Aldag as she explores the folk magick of the British Isles. With fascinating descriptions of traditional lore, stories, and simple spells, Common Magick is a perfect resource for understanding these well-loved magickal practices. This book reveals why folk magick works and shares deep knowledge of magickal timing, sigils, crafts, tools, and…
All inclusive, the Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl describes over 330 herbs in over 100 illustrations and information on altars, astral work, clairvoyance, Goddess and Deity worship, and what herbs have what astrological associations.
Used to train hundreds of covens and initiates, Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland has long been viewed as one of the leading authorities on Witchcraft and Magick. 2nd edition.
The historical role that magic and soothsaying played in the Underground Railroad has long been ignored out of fear it might diminish the legacy of Harriet Tubman and other heroes of that time. However, Harriet Tubman was a Conjure woman who relied on her dreams and visionary experiences to lead her followers to freedom. Revered…
Cord magic is one of the easiest and most satisfying ways to make magic. This book shows you how to quickly and effectively twist your own magical cords, with specific tips for choosing colors, setting your intention, charging the cords, and incorporating powerful knot spells. You will discover dozens of hands-on instructional worksheets and specific…
Part the thorny bramble and take a walk along the bewitchingly mysterious Crooked Path. Within these pages discover a wealth of hands-on tips and techniques to begin your journey into the realm of Traditional Witchcraft. Learn to weave a powerful personal practice that is informed by folklore and grounded in your own location and natural…
Featuring an introductory look at Granny Magic, Hoodoo, Brujerรญa, and Curanderismo in the American South, Crossroads of Conjure provides a fresh perspective on folk magic. This authentic and powerful book demonstrates how these systems are interconnected, celebrates their sustainability, and dispels the myths and misunderstandings about them. Learn about each path’s beliefs, practitioners, history, and…