1/4 lb Black Kyanite Blades – Premium Quality – Bulk Lot 4 oz
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DESCRIPTIONHERE Due to the unique nature of each stone, your item may vary slightly from the picture shown. Pictures are taken in natural lighting, please note that the stone may appear slightly different when viewed in different lighting. The sizes vary, but they average around 3 inches. All items are cleansed with white sage before…
This combination of Opalite and Kyanite will aid you in achieving your personal power, while improving your self worth. Kyanite will keep you connected to source. Three dolphins swimming in a circle hang from this beautiful bracelet.
Beneficial in connecting to the dynamic balance of Earth. Aligns all of the Chakras, but it is most known for its ability to balance the Heart Chakra. Known to aid the ability of channeling information from nature spirits and is one of the few crystals that do not absorb any negative energy, so it does…
This pyramid is powerful combo of tumbled Ruby in the blue Kyanite, creating this beautiful variety of colors. This stone has been known to reveal what needs to be released to stay balanced and protected. This peaceful vibrating stone that may just help you bring your dreams to life. Approximately 7/8″ – 1 1/4″ pyramid….
Ruby Fuchsite in Kyanite is a rare and valuable combination formed together. This amazing stone will both keep you grounded and raise your vibration, helping you remain in your physical body while traveling in the etheric realms. Kyanite may also assist with balance, communication, peace and finding what truly motivates you. Sizes, shapes and inclusions…
If your looking for a stone that never needs energy cleaning than you have found that in Kyanite. Give yourself inner balance when this stone is in your palm. Great for healings and meditation as well as being a visually stimulating stone. From Peru.
A beautiful crystalline formation with a unique, baby-blue coloring, Kyanite is among the few crystals that are known for never needing to be purified or cleansed of negative energy. Kyanite helps speed things along, aids in communication, balance of whole being, blocked emotions, tranquility, and great for meditation and release. These a great mix of…
Kyanite is among the few crystals that are known for never needing to be purified or cleansed, for it simply does not accumulate or store negative energy. Radiating positive energy, it offers a calm and serene mood, and can also help balance and align the chakras. It can also aid in communication and helping to…
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