Showing 109–120 of 122 results

  • 1 lb Snow Flake Obsidian tumbled stones


    Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Snowflake Obsidian brings peace of mind and helps the stomach, sinuses, veins, bones and eyesight. Great for meditation, behavior problems, loniness, blocks psychic attacks, and absorbes negative energy. Sold by approximate weight – not…

  • 1 lb Sodalite tumbled stones


    Sometimes mistaken for Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite is deep blue with beautiful veins that appear like captured lightning. Sodalite helps with high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, autism, good for ideas, endurance, communication, stabilizes emotions, clarifies perception and is great for meditation. Sold by approximate weight – not stone size or count. From Brazil.

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  • 1 lb Stromatolite (Brown Onyx) tumbled stones


    One of the oldest fossils in the world, Stromatolite, also know as Sourrite, can help in relieving physical and emotional stress, helping to understand life lessons. Can also aid in patience, strength, helping you overcome challenges, understand and see solutions, be steadfast and persistence, connect to the essence of life, having resilience and versatility. A…

  • 1 lb Sulfur Quartz tumbled stones


    Sulphur Quartz is a powerful tool when dealing with emotions and holds resonates with the Solar Plexus. May assist you with breaking old habit, while opening you up to the right path towards change. Allow this wonderful healing tool to clear your energy of all negativity. Sold by weight only with about 38 small to…

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  • 1 lb Super 7 tumbled stones


    Super 7 consists of seven different powerful stones found together, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, goethite, lepidocrocite, rutile’s . Many great benefits packed into these stones. consist of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile’s. This is a 1lb bag sold by weight only. From China with mostly medium to large pieces.

  • 1 lb Terahertz tumbled stones


    Terahertz is a man made stone that carries strong powers and healing benefits to the body. Its thermal conductivity is very high, and can improve your energy flow & blood circulation that may help speed up your metabolism. An energizing stone that will prevent your mind from feeling worried or stressed. Sold by weight only.

  • 1 lb Tiger Calcite tumbled stones


    Tiger Calcite is the stone of balance reflecting the colors of Yin/Yang energy. The energy of this important stone are said to help polarize opposite energies within and without. Sold by weight only with mostly small to medium size stones with roughly 45 pieces a pound. From China.

  • 1 lb Topaz tumbled stones


    Natural Topaz can come in a variety of beautiful colors. This batch consisting mostly of pale browns, yellows, and clear ones. Topaz works with and aligns the meridians of the body, directing energy to where it is needed. May bring joy, generosity, abundance, and good health. 1lb tumbled natural Topaz by weight only. From India.

  • 1 lb Tree Agate tumbled stones


    Tree Agate has been associated with wealth and prosperity for centuries. Tree agate will bring you closer to nature and may assist with good luck, protection from energy vampires, inner peace, and fullness to all areas of your life. By weight only not stone count. From India.

  • 1 lb Unakite tumbled stones


    Unakite is composed of a mixture of Pink Feldspars, Green Epidote, and Quartz, making this a multipurpose stone. Unakite helps resolve conflict, loosens constrictions, balancing, aches and pains, self-worth issues, emotional blocks, focus on the present, and great for pregnancy and fertility. Sold by approximate weight – not stone size or count. From China.

  • 1 lb Walnut Jasper tumbled stones


    Carrying this stone on you is said to be extremely nurturing and will help remind us to be nurturing to others. Many positive metaphysical effects this stone has to offer including help with stress or confusion, centering, grounding, and promotes stability and strength. Beautiful patterns will naturally vary. Sold by approximate weight – not stone…

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  • 1 lb White Howlite tumbled stones


    White Howlite tumbled stone is a calming stone, decreases an overactive mind and can assist with meditation. Howlite prepares the mind to receive insight and wisdom and heighten creativity. Sold by approximate weight – not stone size or count. From China.